Coronavirus Response
Baby Common's Coronavirus Response
People throughout the world have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. At Baby Common, we are doing our part to help prevent the further spread of the virus, while also supporting the needs of our customers, consumers, employees and communities.
Our team are working very hard to ensure that your orders are processed and shipped quickly, so you can get the best baby products without exposing yourself or your baby to the risk of contacting COVID-19.
The Best Safety
We have – and always will – put the health, safety and security of people first. Our approach is grounded in our company’s purpose, which ensures that we continuously strive to make a difference for people in our communities and in our workplaces.We are constantly monitoring the evolving situation and adapting our efforts and responses.
Preventing COVID-19
The safety of Baby Common system employees is our highest priority. Around the world, local teams have closely followed guidance from health authorities to protect the health and safety of employees across offices, production, distribution and retail facilities.
To ensure we can continue to make the beverages our communities need, our production and distribution facilities continue to operate but have adjusted their ways of working to protect everyone’s safety and well-being.
Since the coronavirus outbreak began, we have implemented additional cleaning and sanitization routines, focusing on high-touch surfaces, and have taken steps to restrict visitors to our facilities.